Cdac exam date 2019 for august batch
Cdac exam date 2019 for august batch

Note: Relevant field refers to the field of IT/ CSE/ ECE only NCVT/ITI Certificate in a relevant trade with 3 years’ experience in the relevant relevant area with minimum 50% marks and 1-year Graduate with first class in any discipline and DOEACC ‘A’ level with 4 years of experience in the relevant field.NCVT Certificate in a relevant trade where basic qualification for admission to the course is matriculation or equivalent and 9 years of experience in the relevant field.First Class Diploma in Engineering/ Computer Applications and 3 years of experience in the relevant field.First Class degree in Computer Science / Electronics/ IT/ Computer application or relevant domain and 3 years of experience in relevant field.

Cdac exam date 2019 for august batch